Monday, 13 April 2009

Jelte BBQing

We're at Jelte and Linda for an Easter BBQ. We are very lucky with the weather. The sun is actually shining after four days of rain.

However, Jelte's BBQ technique might just need to be a tiny bit improved... Or is it just down to the raw material... 85% vs 96% beef burgers...

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Little horses

On Sunday L and I continued our healthy weekend with a walk to Eashing. Didn't find to much on the way capturing our photographic senses so we ended up mostly chatting and enjoying being out in the fresh air. As always you get hungry after a while so a lunch stop at the Stag was called for.

When we asked for the menu we were told that the waiting time would be 1 1/2 hour. No time to lose, we quickly got our orders in and the waiting time had miracules dropped to 1h 10 min. We called R&I to tell them it was time to finish painting their banisters and come and join us instead.

To our surprise after having waited for 25 minutes our food arrived. It was all very jummy so we were all very happy. Just as we were about to finish R&I showed up. A quick drink and we were off again.

As always when you are out and about the countryside you have to walk through some animal fields. This time we walked through a horse field. Three little horses were waiting for us close to the exit stile. All very curiuos and determined not to let us out until we had said hello. We were all racing to reach the stile first. We won but not until the horses managed to get a sneak cuddle first.

Safely on the other side we felt more at home to give them more cuddles. And it proved a good time for some close-up shots of pretty horses.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Gigantic cake

Today L and I have been out wandering the Surrey paths. It was blue sky, warm and generally very pleasant so a nice walk with the cameras sounded like a brilliant idea.

We headed out around one o'clock (hey it is Saturday and you don't have to get up early then). The target was to get to Watts tea house.

So we happily wandered along. Took lots of photos. Met some scary looking, but very sweet, highland cows. Took a couple of wrong turns and finally found the tea house.

Lyckily it was open, at this time we were getting rather hungry. Being a tea house we obviously had to get a cream tea (tea, scones, cream and jam) and a chocolate cake. The cake arrived immediately and both L and I got a big shock.

The size of the cake; it was enormous! It was enough to feed a whole family. It was in fact a quarter of the whole cake. And we got one piece each.

Every customer who came in commented on our cakes' size. Even the other waitresses did too. We became the big talking point.

After getting over the initial shock we started to photograph them. We needed proof. No one would believe us otherwise.

We had our cream tea and a little bit of the cake. But in the end we had to admit defeat. We just couldn't take it anymore. We both had a massive sugar rush and walked back home in high speed. Both craving for some salt to neutralise our taste buds.

I think we need to go for another walk tomorrow to get rid of all the calories and sugar.