Monday, 15 March 2010

Moving of a shed

R&I asked us to come around on Sunday to help them move their shed. Here is how to move a shed:

Start with a bit of snack

Bow to the might shed

Place a man at each corner. Preferably on blocks of wood to make them taller

Think for a bit

Rope in some more people

Have a supporter

Hide in the shed for some more thinking after having moved the roof a bit

Move the roof back in place

Call it a day (more men needed) and have a nice dinner instead!

Travel in style

All I can say is that if you are going by train, this is the way to travel: with champagne and crips (but don't go for the naked version, they just taste like bad fat) and in first class...

And when you have been to Wales and back, you can always treat yourself to a nice dinner at Jamie Oliver's Italian