Saturday 22 May 2010

Summer dessert

Summer is here! Had at least 23 degrees today! Obviously that meant a BBQ and eating outside.

We BBQd beautiful chicken satay (grillspett) from the local butcher. I couldn't decide which flavour I wanted so I got one each: BBQ, Chinese and Tikka. They were all very nice, even though they didn't entirely match. They were also beautifully cooked. Just perfectly cooked, still moist and no burnt bits! I might add slightly self-congratulatory that it was I who cooked them :-)

Anyway, as it is summer it is time for Eton mess as dessert. If you haven't had it yet, you should definately try it! Just whip some cream. Mix it with crumbled merengue and fold down some lovely berries. Couldn't be easier. That is probably why they call it Eton mess; couldn't expect those kids to be able to do more advance cooking without their personal chef...

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